
Killing floor 2 stoner
Killing floor 2 stoner

killing floor 2 stoner


They failed to break any damage thresholds to be useful on higher difficulties, and just like in KF2, the adage 'anything is viable on hard' was in full force. In Payday 2, no one used the LMGs at all when they were balanced lie the Stoner is now. To illustrate my point, I will bring up LMGs from two other PvE horde games, specifically the two LMG 'classes' in Payday 2 and the Supra from Warframe. With so many new high-tier Commando options coming, we need to look at what the Stoner does and where it belongs. This would work in most arena-based shooters, but in a PvE game it leaves the weapon in an undesirable spot, especially a game with so many important breakpoints in damage. It has a big clip and a nice RoF, so it has small damage per shot and low accuracy. It strikes me that the Stoner is victim to PvP balancing wisdom as opposed to PvE.

killing floor 2 stoner

LMGs definitely fit the bill for the former, and in similar PvE horde games like Payday 2 I have a blast with them. I prefer accurate guns unless its an unapologetic bullet hose or a shotgun. I was never sold on the Bullpup or the AK, both are solid growth options but not anything too game changing and were tossed aside for the scar by wave five anyway. Playing him so much forced me to try and exit my comfort zone of 9mm>AR-15>SCAR and try out his other options. In my recent quest to earn prestiges for some vosh, I set my sights on Commando.

Killing floor 2 stoner